Kathirikkai gothsu-The soulmate of Venn Pongal

June 30, 2009

Venn(white) Pongal is one of the most sought after breakfast items in most Tamilian homes. Nothing beats a breakfast of hot delicious venn pongal with hmm..chutney..yeah, alrite, sambar..uhh..okkay, what about gothsu? Oh yeah! Truly, pongal and gothsu is a divine combo. When my now-husband-then-fiance moved to the place I lived in, he had asked for the Pongal-gothsu combo for breakfast! When I served him his favorite breakfast that morning, a silence had descended over the table. There was a tension in the room-me with my fingers crossed about how he liked the food and my roommates standing behind the kitchen wall waiting for the final verdict. And at last, after 5 whole nail biting moments came the “Rombo nalla irukku”(its very good). A Wheh! escaped my mouth while a chorus of girlie giggles and “Ooooohos, Aaahaas”(an exclamation of praise but in this case said just to embarass the two of us!) emanated from behind the kitchen wall.

Anyhow, this winning combo has been served for years at home. It always evokes many fond memories about home and about dear ones. Here goes the recipe for what gives venn pongal its spunk 🙂


Awww...such a heavenly union, don't ya agree?

Brinjal, small, quatered-5-6 nos

Moong dal-1/4 cup

onion, medium, chopped-1/2 no

tomato, medium, chopped-1 no

green chilli, slit-1 no

curry leaves-5-6 nos

tamarind pulp-1/4 cup

sambar powder-1/2 tbsp

tumeric powder-1/4 tsp

mustard seeds-1 tsp

channa dal-1/4 tsp

hing-a pinch

salt-as per taste

oil-1 tsp

cilantro-few sprigs for garnishing

Cook moong dal in 3/4th cup water and a pinch of turmeric. Mash and keep aside.

Heat oil in a pan. Crackle mustard seeds, add the channa dal, hing and green chillies. A minute later, add the onions. Saute them with a pinch of salt till they turn translucent. Now add the tomatoes and chopped brinjals and saute for a couple of minutes. Now add the sambar powder and tamarind pulp. Add water and cover for a few minutes.

Finally add the mashed moong dal. Boil for 2 minutes. Garnish with cilantro and serve hot with pongal.


P.S: Chopping the brinjal just before sauteing is good. Also, keeping the chopped brinjal in bowl of water stops them from darkening.

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