Kathirikkai Masala(Eggplant in gravy)

August 5, 2009

Eggplant is one of my favorite vegetables. How do I like it served, you ask? Any which way, of course!I can eat it in the form of poriyal or sambar, kuzhambu, gothsu, stir fry, eggplant parmigiana or even baba ganoush! Now, if only the same applied to my better-half…life would be just perfect! Sigh, that’s not to be. So I gotta make the amazing vegetable such that he too eats it without a grimace. Thats why I started making this great dish.

Back home, my MIL makes a similar dish that’s as divine as this one, the only difference being, her’s is a dry dish(the masala is stuffed into the eggplants and then cooked).  This is close to the famous Hyderabadi Bagara Baingan. The only other time I have had this wonderful dish was at a Hyderabadi friend’s place (can it get more authentic than than!). It was her first time cooking for a large group (of 6) and her first time as a bride inviting friends and husband’s colleagues over to her place. But she amazed us all not just with her food(and the variety) but also her composure. I would have been a nervous wreck! You go gurl!

Recently we had friends over and I wanted to make something south Indian(and not the usual fare of sambar, rasam etc) so I decided to make this yummy dish (only to realise later that of all the 6 people gathered, 4 disliked eggplant!). I was glad atleast, they had the gravy to relish!

I love you Kkkkkk...kathirikai masala(a la SRK in Darr!)

I love Kkkkkk...kathirikai masala(a la SRK in Darr, you silly!)

Eggplants, small, stem removed, slit in four-5-6 nos

coriander seeds-1 tbsp

channa dal-1.5 tsps

cumin seeds-1 tsp

Fennel seeds(saunf)-1/4 tsp

red chillies-4-5 nos

fenugreek seeds-5-6 nos

sesame seeds-1 tbsp

peanuts-1 tbsp (I used roasted salted ones)

ginger, chopped-1.5 tsp

garlic, chopped-1.5 tsp

onion, medium, chopped-1/2 no

curry leaves-6-7 nos

tamarind pulp-1/2 cup

turmeric powder-1/2 tsp

Salt-as per taste

Oil-2 tbsp

water-as required

Heat a few drops of oil in a pan. Roast the corianded seeds, cumin seeds, channa dal, red chillies, fenugreek seed(add this at the end as it darkens soon) and saunf. Allow it to cool down. In the same pan, roast the sesame seeds and peanuts(if they are raw). Add this to the coriander seed mixture and grind to a smooth powder. In the same pan, in a few drops of oil, saute the ginger, garlic and onion. Once this cooks and cools down, add it to the ground powder and grind into a smooth paste.

In the rest of the oil, saute the curry leaves and eggplants till they are almost cooked/tender. Add the ground paste to the pan along with turmeric powder and salt. Add water to loosen the paste and cover, allowing the eggplants to cook completely. Now add the tamarind pulp and bring to a boil.

Sambar, avial, kathirikkai masala and saadam make a superb southern Indian platter, doesn't it?

Sambar, avial, kathirikkai masala and saadam make a superb southern Indian platter, doesn't it?

P.S: Sometimes I add a clove and a 1/4″ cinnamon to the masala to be ground. It just add to the ‘masala’esqu flavor of the curry. You can also add a little jaggery while adding the tamarind pulp to give it the edge!

2 Responses to “Kathirikkai Masala(Eggplant in gravy)”

  1. Meki Says:

    gurrrlll.. 🙂 am happy u added another recipe.. yummy curry..

  2. Vidhya Says:

    Didn’t know you took a picture the other day… just seeing the picture reminds me how yummmmmm it was!!

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