I love hosting dinners and lunches at home. The feeling of having your friends surround you, hearing stories about home, talking about home is just precious. Everytime we have friends over, I try to come up with atleast one new dish. Well, in a sense, apart from hubby dearest, they too become guinea pigs to some of my culinary adventures. Till a few weeks ago, we met up with our friends every weekend incessantly. Just like the soaring temperatures in the month of Kathiri (the hottest period in Summer in TamilNadu), our ‘eating-out’ expenses soared sky-high! So we decided to have them over for a weekend to work on a cultural event. As usual I decided to come up with something…I decided on the 5 minute home-made pizza slices as a evening snack. This was something I saw on Sandra Lee’s show.

Although I am not a major fan of making something out of processed food, I don’t mind it on such occasions as it reduces the time of preparation and allows more time to spend with friends. But sadly, our friends left soon after lunch that afternoon(after having been subjected to the horror of 3 meals at my hands!). So the following week, I decided to try the dish on my favorite (‘coz most of the times, the good man that he is rarely complains!) guinea pig…hubby dearest. His reaction was a smack of the lips and followed by a “Bellissimo!”.

Here goes the recipe for this easy-breezy, lip-smacking snack.


Pillsbury crescent roll-1 pack

Pasta sauce-1/2 cup

Black Olives, sliced – 3-4 nos

Roasted/Fresh red bell pepper-1 no

Mozzarella Cheese, grated-1/4 cup

salt-as per taste

red chilli flakes-as per taste

oil-1 tsp

Heat oven to 400F. Line a baking tray with parchment paper or just a dab of cooking spray. Thaw the crescent rolls as per instruction. Separate the individual rolls and lay them out on the baking sheet in their triangular shape. Spread a few drops of oil on the crust. Then spread a spoonful of the pasta sauce followed by the grated cheese. Lay the vegetables on the sauce. Sprinkle with salt.

Bake for 10-15 minutes or till the crust turn golden. Garnish with chilli flakes. Serve hot.


Pilsbury Reduced fat Crescent roll-$3.40, pasta sauce-$3.49, Part Skim shredded mozzarella cheese-$5.49, Expressions on your hubby's face after the first bite-Priceless 🙂